ALL-AMERICAN WINTER 1965-66 through WINTER 1968-69
Best California College Weekly, 1966-67, 1968-69
Pepperdine College, Los Angeles, California
Thursday.iOctober 23, 1969
Campus rumors continue to grow to an almost un¬
believable proportion as people still ask the question— what
will be the future of the Los Angeles Vermont campus?
Despite numerous Graphic articles, editorials, columns,
news stories and various official administrative statements
Dr. Banowsky to head
new campus at Malibu
which have generally outlined plans and current develop¬
ments regarding the Vermont campus, many Pepperdiners
obviously do not understand the factors involved.
The rumors have ranged from “the administration will
completely abandon this campus when the Malibu site
opens” to "most of the teachers will leave and the Ver¬
mont campus will have lower academic standards.”
Some have said that the Vermont campus will be only
Black students while the Malibu campus will be for whites
No person can positively predict the future— five or ten
years from now. As few as five years ago no one would
have thought the college would now be expanded to two
schools and a site in Malibu.
Appointed Chancellor
under ' university plan ’
What the Graphic hopes to do is to reveal to Pepper-
diners what the future plans are, and at the same time
show that the college is acting in good faith in regards to
its goals.
The Graphic— after much research and gathering of
information at the highest level of administrative plan¬
ning — has found the long-term future planning for the
Vermont campus to have five basic projections.
HEADS NEW CAMPUS-Pepperdine Vice-president Dr.
William S. Banowsky has been named by the college
Board of Trustees as Chancellor of the new Malibu
campus. —Staff photo
Young keeps
offices here
With the naming of Dr.
William S. Banowsky as
chancellor of the Malibu
campus Pepperdine Col¬
lege President Dr. M.
Norvel Young, revealed
that he will continue as
chief administrative
officer for the Los Angeles
The announcement
quieted all speculation as
to who would be at the
helm of the Vermont cam¬
pus administration.
Pepperdine develops a
College of Urban Affairs
which will be based on a
four year Christian liberal
arts program.
Dr. Young, who will also
be President of the univer¬
sity plan multi-campus
system, remarked, “I hope
to maintain the values of
a small college atmosphere
on each campus. Particu¬
larly, to continue the good
relations between faculty
and administrative staff as
well as with the students.”
President Young outlined
the purposes that will be
served by the multi¬
campus concept as follows:
(Continued on Page 2)
Pepperdine’s 33 year-
old Executive Vice Presi¬
dent, Dr. William S.
Banowsky, has been
named — by the college
Board of Trustees— Chan¬
cellor of the school’s
200-acre Malibu campus.
The announcement of the
selection of the youthful
college administrator by
the Board was made earlier
this week by Pepperdine
President Dr. M. Norvel
According to Dr. Young,
“The Board’s action rec-
gonizes the new Malibu
College as another impor¬
tant link in Pepperdine’s
multi-campus development
which is modeled after the
university plan of Califor¬
“The university plan is
set up so that each campus
is operated by a Chancellor
under the overall direction
of the President,” Dr.
Young said.
In his new role as
Chancellor of the Malibu
campus. Dr. Banowsky will
direct the recruitment of
faculty and staff; the re¬
finement of the farseeing
interdisciplinary curricu¬
lum; the capital funds cam¬
paign; and the construction
of building and facilities.
In the heart of the Mali¬
bu campus building plan,
which is now being devel¬
oped by architectural firm
William L. Pereira and
Associates, will be a
Learning Resources Cen¬
ter. The teaching center
will embody the latest
audio, visual and other
teaching aids with empha¬
sis on seminar and study
Pepperdine administra¬
tors predict a 1971 target
ups fee
News Editor
A meeting Tuesday
morning between student
body treasurer Walter
Upper class plans
party Saturday
Manhattan Beach is the
location of the upper class-
sponsored beach party this
Saturday, Oct. 25.
Plans for the event in¬
clude volleyball, hard rock
and folk music and free
For those who do not have
transportation, a bus will
be in front of the gym at
2:00 p.m., returning about
10:00 p.m.
For more information
and highway directions
contact upper class presi¬
dent Gene Marsten or upper
class vice president Dave
Highway directions are:
Drive west down Manches¬
ter, then south on the San
Diego freeway. Take Rose-
crans Blvd. to the Man¬
hattan Beach exit, again
drive west. Turn left on
Highland Ave. Take High¬
land to Manhattan Beach
Blvd. and turn right. At
the first stop light turn
left on Ocean Dr. Take
Ocean Dr. to Fifth St. The
party is at 520 Strand.
TlAutf Ufa
The US Naval Officer’s
Program information team
will be available to
interested students tomor¬
row in front of the cafe¬
Seniors interested in
learning about the US Naval
officer’s program may
speak with Lieut. R.E.
Bailey beginning at 9 a.m.
Schiffer and college Con¬
troller Harry Walker may
have resulted in the first
step toward institution of
a student activity fee for
separate funding of student
government at Pepperdine.
According to Schiffer,
Walker has agreed to pre¬
sent the ASB budget com¬
mittee’s proposal for a
student fee to President
Young, as well as provide
the committee the oppor¬
tunity to present its argu¬
ments to the president in
Regarding the student
activity fee concept, Schif¬
fer told student board
members Tuesday evening
that Walker is “not against
it, but I wouldn’t say he’s
100 per cent for it, either.”
Although Walker was re¬
portedly favorable to the
idea as a method of pro¬
viding the board with more
money with which to
operate, Schiffer also
pointed out various pos¬
sible objections raised by
Walker in their meeting.
These included a lessen¬
ing in control exercised by
the administration over
student government, as
well as probable changes
necessary in the school’s
accounting system as a re¬
sult of instituting the new
funding method.
date for the Malibu Cam¬
pus opening with a limited
student body— between 100
and 200.
Major construction
which will accommodate
between 500 and 1000 stu¬
dents will be completed
A story on Dr. Banowsky ’s
appointment as Malibu chancel¬
lor was carried by the Los An¬
geles Times in their Monday,
Oct. 20 edition. The article,
written by William Trombley,
Times education writer, also
stated that the objective of the
new Malibu campus will be to
stress “unity of knowledge.”
Mexico at age 26. He re¬
ceived his Ph.D. in Com¬
munications from the Uni¬
versity of Southern Cali¬
Dr. Banowsky is also a
member of the Los Angeles
County Judicial Review
Commission. He has been
a chapter chairman for the
American Red Cross, and
served as director of the
YMCA and Goodwill Indus-
tires of America.
His leadership in public
affairs won him the 1967-68
Liberty Bell Award from
the American Bar Associa¬
tion. He is a member of
the Los Angeles Rotary
Club and a former Rotary
1. To serve as headquarters for the college’s multi¬
campus operation.
2. To abide by the college’s commitment for the de¬
velopment of a liberal arts curriculum that will be relevant
to future student needs and the continuation of a full four-
year college and graduate program.
3. To develop a liberal arts based professional school
4. To develop an Urban Affairs College that will
A) contribute to the economic stabilization of
the immediate neighborhood of the Los Angeles campus,
B) serve as a base for training students for urban
affairs activities and assignments in the business, com¬
munity and governmental worlds.
5. To increase the campus density of students by de-
(Continued on Page 4)
Administrators participate
in church 'homecoming’
Two members of the
Pepperdine adminis¬
tration— Dr. William S.
Banowsky and Dr. William
Teague— will take part in
“homecoming” activities
Sunday at the Inglewood
Church of Christ.
Dr. Banowsky will
address the college class
at 9:45 a.m. on the sub¬
ject, “The Inescapable
Dr. Teague will speak on
“Christ is Real” during a
class for men and his wife,
Peggy, will discuss the
topic “Take Time to Be
Holy” at a class for women.
The homecoming— which
will feature a picnic at
1 p.m. in Inglewood’s Darby
Park — is a part of a six-
week “spiritual renewal”
program the church is
The special program will
conclude with a gospel
meeting Sunday through
nest Wednesday, with
minister Darrel Rickard
speaking each evening on
the theme “Christ Came
to Restore You.”
The Christian College
Corfference was first con¬
ceived at Harding College
12 years ago by their Dean
of Students, James Atkin¬
son, who is now a member
of the Pepperdine English
The conference officially
opens tonight at 7:30 when
Dr. Prentice Meador will
give his keynote address in
the Student Lounge. Dr.
Meador’s speech will
follow a 6 p.m. dinner
hosted by Dr. and Mrs. M.
Norvel Young on the Presi¬
dent’s home patio. Dr.
Young and Associated Stu¬
dent Body president Larry
Blair will give a welcoming
address at the time.
Breakfast will be served
at 7 a.m. on Saturday morn¬
ing. At 8:30 a special ses ¬
sion will be held. From
8:30-10:00 there will be a
general assembly. At 11:30
there will be a business
meeting concerning the
location for next year’s
conference. The confer¬
ence will adjourn at 12:00
with a luncheon for every¬
by 1972, administrators
Dr. Banowsky first
served on the Pepperdine
faculty in 1959 and after
holding posts as Dean of
Students and Assistant to
the President, he was
named Executive Vice
President in 1968.
He is the author of
several published books
and numerous printed arti¬
Receiving his B. A. from
David Lipscomb College,
the new Malibu Chancellor
earned his master’s degree
at the University of New
Students convene here today
Student body show
Master of ceremonies Lanny Broyles
opened this trimesters Student Body Show
with “Pretty for Me” and closed the pro¬
gram with a number from the "Thomas
Crown Affair,” “Windmills of My Mind.”
Headlining the show were Security Guard
Eddie Smith, whose performance of the
“Shadow of Your Smile” received notable
audience approval and Jim Dawson, who
presented a comical version “Hamlet”
written on a first grade level.
—Photo by Dave King
Student leaders repre¬
senting Christian colleges
throughout the nation will
convene on the Pepperdine
campus for the annual
Christian College Confer¬
ence which begins with
registration from 1 p.m. to
6 p.m. today in' the Student
Students representing
five or more of Pepper¬
dine’s sister colleges will
examine ways to bridge the
gaps in human relations.
“Bridging the Gaps” is this
year’s theme for the confab
which is open to all Pep¬
perdine students.
According to Gary Wells,
conference committee
chairman, the cornerstone
of the three day program
will be the use of group
dynamics within the indi¬
vidual sessions.
Each session will be
composed of approximately
eight people with a group
leader who will direct dis¬
cussion on a variety of
topics from race relations
to the relationship between
the church and society.
Five new girls were
taken into Alpha Gamma
at their regular “tap¬
ping” ceremony in
chapel Monday, Oct. 20.
New Alpha Gamma
members are June
Fehrs, Bobbi Fraley,
Carol Infranca, Myrna
McDonald and Kathy
Alpha Gamma is a wo¬
men’s honor society
characterized by lead¬
ership, scholarship and
Christian womanhood.
CC confab begins