Conducting a Search
Whether you're searching across all of our collections or within a particular record, below is some guidance to help you find what you're looking for
Conducting a Search
Whether you're searching across all of our collections or within a particular record, below is some guidance to help you find what you're looking for
Use the search box in the upper-right corner of the masthead on every single page to conduct a keyword search. This search will pull results from across all available digital records and will search within both the metadata as well as any available transcriptions (the search will not, however, return results from the literal transcriptions). The results will be, by default, sorted by relevancy.
If you wish to search for a specific phrase or name, use quotation marks around your search. For example, a keyword search for John Smith will pull all results that include the words "John" or "Smith". Meanwhile, a keyword search for "John Smith" will only pull results that include the exact phrase bounded by the quotation marks.
Boolean terms such as AND, OR, and NOT cannot be applied to a basic keyword search; in order to use Boolean terms in your search, please use the Advanced Search feature.
Keyword Search
Use the search box in the upper-right corner of the masthead on every single page to conduct a keyword search. This search will pull results from across all available digital records and will search within both the metadata as well as any available transcriptions (the search will not, however, return results from the literal transcriptions). The results will be, by default, sorted by relevancy.
If you wish to search for a specific phrase or name, use quotation marks around your search. For example, a keyword search for John Smith will pull all results that include the words "John" or "Smith". Meanwhile, a keyword search for "John Smith" will only pull results that include the exact phrase bounded by the quotation marks.
Boolean terms such as AND, OR, and NOT cannot be applied to a basic keyword search; in order to use Boolean terms in your search, please use the Advanced Search feature.
Advanced search can be navigated to via the 'Advanced Search' link visible beneath the Masthead Search bar.
The Advanced Search page allows you to search for several keywords or phrases simultaneously using AND, OR and NOT Boolean operators. Extra fields can be added using the plus button.
Boolean Operators
- To return results in which both Malibu and Malibou Lake appear, use AND between terms.
- To return results which have either Malibu or Malibou Lake, add OR between terms.
- To return results in which Malibu but not Malibou Lake appears, add NOT between terms. This will search for Malibu but exclude any pages which also include Malibou Lake.
Please Note: use of these drop-down operators still follows the Boolean rules of precedence.
A date range restriction can also be entered. This can be used in conjunction with the other keyword or search filters available on the Advanced Search page. You can select terms from these filters to further refine your search results by factors such as format (correspondence, photograph, etc.), type (image, text, etc.), and more.
Searches applied through Advanced Search return results where hits are found in either the record metadata or associated transcripts. Hits across site copy are not returned in Advanced Search results.
Advanced Search
Advanced search can be navigated to via the 'Advanced Search' link visible beneath the Masthead Search bar.
The Advanced Search page allows you to search for several keywords or phrases simultaneously using AND, OR and NOT Boolean operators. Extra fields can be added using the plus button.
Boolean Operators
- To return results in which both Malibu and Malibou Lake appear, use AND between terms.
- To return results which have either Malibu or Malibou Lake, add OR between terms.
- To return results in which Malibu but not Malibou Lake appears, add NOT between terms. This will search for Malibu but exclude any pages which also include Malibou Lake.
Please Note: use of these drop-down operators still follows the Boolean rules of precedence.
A date range restriction can also be entered. This can be used in conjunction with the other keyword or search filters available on the Advanced Search page. You can select terms from these filters to further refine your search results by factors such as format (correspondence, photograph, etc.), type (image, text, etc.), and more.
Searches applied through Advanced Search return results where hits are found in either the record metadata or associated transcripts. Hits across site copy are not returned in Advanced Search results.
Collection-specific searches can be conducted from a collection's landing page. You can navigate to a collection's landing page from one of the Collecting Areas or by finding the collection in the "View all Collections" page. The search box available in the top right corner of the collection description will allow you to conduct a keyword search within that specific collection
Searching within a Collection
Collection-specific searches can be conducted from a collection's landing page. You can navigate to a collection's landing page from one of the Collecting Areas or by finding the collection in the "View all Collections" page. The search box available in the top right corner of the collection description will allow you to conduct a keyword search within that specific collection
When viewing an individual item, you can use the search box to the right of the title to search within the metadata and any available transcripts associated with that record.
Searching within an Item
When viewing an individual item, you can use the search box to the right of the title to search within the metadata and any available transcripts associated with that record.
Search results will be filtered by relevance. When you click into any record returned in your search, you will see your keyword search terms or phrase highlighted in yellow in the metadata summary directly to the right of the item. For text with a related transcript, you can switch to the "transcript" tab to see where the term appears in the record's transcript. For these records, you will see your terms highlighted within the record itself. At the top of the record, you can use the arrows next to where it says "Hits" to switch between different parts or pages of a record that include your search term.
Below the record, you will see a summary of where your search keywords appear in the record or item's metadata and where they appear in an individual page or image of a record. Results are hyperlinked and clicking on them will take you to the section of a record or its metadata where your resuts are found. You can also switch to the item details tab to see where your search terms appear in a record's metadata.
Click on the Previous item or next item arrows at the top and bottom right of your internet window to see other records that contain your search terms. Click return to list at the top or bottom left of your internet window to go back to the list of your search results
Viewing search results
Search results will be filtered by relevance. When you click into any record returned in your search, you will see your keyword search terms or phrase highlighted in yellow in the metadata summary directly to the right of the item. For text with a related transcript, you can switch to the "transcript" tab to see where the term appears in the record's transcript. For these records, you will see your terms highlighted within the record itself. At the top of the record, you can use the arrows next to where it says "Hits" to switch between different parts or pages of a record that include your search term.
Below the record, you will see a summary of where your search keywords appear in the record or item's metadata and where they appear in an individual page or image of a record. Results are hyperlinked and clicking on them will take you to the section of a record or its metadata where your resuts are found. You can also switch to the item details tab to see where your search terms appear in a record's metadata.
Click on the Previous item or next item arrows at the top and bottom right of your internet window to see other records that contain your search terms. Click return to list at the top or bottom left of your internet window to go back to the list of your search results
By default, a site-wide search returns results with the desired term or phrase found either in the metadata and/or in any full-text transcript. To refine your results, try applying one or more filters.
- Search type – Displays when a user has arrived via a search (versus navigating via "Browse All"). De-select "Metadata" to view results within a record or "Full text" to view results in a record's metadata and click "Apply" to limit results.
- File type – Only available formats display
- Date range – Supply as much detail as desired; only returns records with numerical dates. Click Add Range to view results that fall within a range of dates
Use the filters listed on the left to further refine your results. These filters present a list of terms based on controlled vocabularies in metadata. Click the arrow on the right to view the list of terms and make your selections. The number displayed beside the arrow indicates the number of available terms. The number displayed in the circle to the right of the filter name indicates the number of terms selected.
- Collections - Limit results to one or more digital collections
- Collecting Area - Limit results to one or more collecting areas, such as University Archives or Malibu Historical Collection
- Source - Limit results to one or more of the physical archival sources of digitized records
- Series - Limit results to a series within a physical archival source
- Format - Limit results to the original physical format of a digitized record, such as photograph or correspondence
- Type - Limit results to the type of digital file, such as text, image, or video
- Subject - Limit results to records that relate to a particular subject or topic
- Creator - Limit results to records created by a particular person or organization
- School - Limit results to records that relate to one or more of Pepperdine's schools
- Campus - Limit results to records that relate to one or more of Pepperdine's campuses
Once one or more terms are selected, be sure to click "Apply."
Refining Search Results
By default, a site-wide search returns results with the desired term or phrase found either in the metadata and/or in any full-text transcript. To refine your results, try applying one or more filters.
- Search type – Displays when a user has arrived via a search (versus navigating via "Browse All"). De-select "Metadata" to view results within a record or "Full text" to view results in a record's metadata and click "Apply" to limit results.
- File type – Only available formats display
- Date range – Supply as much detail as desired; only returns records with numerical dates. Click Add Range to view results that fall within a range of dates
Use the filters listed on the left to further refine your results. These filters present a list of terms based on controlled vocabularies in metadata. Click the arrow on the right to view the list of terms and make your selections. The number displayed beside the arrow indicates the number of available terms. The number displayed in the circle to the right of the filter name indicates the number of terms selected.
- Collections - Limit results to one or more digital collections
- Collecting Area - Limit results to one or more collecting areas, such as University Archives or Malibu Historical Collection
- Source - Limit results to one or more of the physical archival sources of digitized records
- Series - Limit results to a series within a physical archival source
- Format - Limit results to the original physical format of a digitized record, such as photograph or correspondence
- Type - Limit results to the type of digital file, such as text, image, or video
- Subject - Limit results to records that relate to a particular subject or topic
- Creator - Limit results to records created by a particular person or organization
- School - Limit results to records that relate to one or more of Pepperdine's schools
- Campus - Limit results to records that relate to one or more of Pepperdine's campuses
Once one or more terms are selected, be sure to click "Apply."